Monday, December 29, 2008

January Studio Schedule

I'm only partly in studio this week with another short holiday break coming up, then another move (hopefully the last for a good while!) over the weekend. I thought it was the post-holiday eat fest that had me moving slower, but now I think it's this toothache. I've had several interesting conversations on how nice it would be if dentists bartered...if you know of one in Asheville who does (or if you are!), I'd sure like to meet you!

But in the spirit of getting ready for the new year, here's the January schedule. Subject to change as always, but planned with the intention of keeping it just as presented. For those of you early birds, please note that the Monday schedule now starts at 10am. A little owner self-indulgence and preventative care in the form of an early morning yoga class will keep me from opening earlier!

And for anyone else still pondering studio membership, there are spaces available and just a few days left to take advantage of 2008 prices (and keep them through June '09).

Happy New Year - I'm looking forward to many adventures and invite you to join me! peace.

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